Milia Removal What are Milia? Milia are small, white (or sometimes pale yellow) spots that usually appear around the eyes, on the cheeks and on the eyelids. Milia will appear as white or yellow bumps that seem to be just beneath the surface of the skin, but they are actually deep seeded. The bump will range from 1-2 mm in size and may be mistaken for acne. You may find several bumps clustered, or find only one.
What causes Milia? Milia occur when dead skin cells and keratin become trapped in small pockets at the surface of the skin or mouth. They are common in newborn infants and appear as pearly white bumps, most commonly across the upper cheeks, nose, and chin. Milia generally disappear after the first several weeks of life. Adults may also develop milia. The bumps and cysts also occur on parts of the body that are inflamed or injured. Irritation of the skin by rough sheets or clothing may cause mild reddening around the bump, but the central portion remains white. Are they Dangerous? Apart from making people worry about their appearance, milia are not harmful to you. What Treatment is needed to Remove Milia? To remove Milia from your skin, the treatment process requires the tip of a small probe to be used with a tiny energy current to remove the blemished area. Most often, they can be removed without energy current. They can be removed by just breaking the skin with a disposable probe. Is the treatment uncomfortable? The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but easily tolerated. There are minimal after effects, with a little tightness and scabbing to be expected. What Results are expected? Milia can be successfully removed, leaving a clearer, healthier looking skin. This treatment is suitable for men and woman on the face and on other body areas. To remove milia from your skin, the treatment process requires the tip of a small probe to be used with a tiny energy current to remove the blemished area. Most often, they can be removed without energy current. They can be removed by just breaking the skin with a disposable probe. |
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